Collage Kickstart: Working with a Limited Color Palette

Collage Kickstart: Working with a Limited Color Palette

This was a great 5-day, FREE workshop by Catherine Rains. Today, I’m playing with a warm color palette, which is not one I usually gravitate toward. Today’s focus was circles and included a resist technique of using glue and tar gel (cool, stringy medium) to create dimension. In playing with the circles (such a freeing shape to paint) and them wiping off my glue and tar gel sheets, my paper towels looked like tie-dye. So they are now in the pile drying, too. (My husband is cringing because I saved the used paper towels. Opening holiday gifts, I also got the side eye for saving tissue paper, wrapping paper, ribbons, and even the craft paper the mailed boxes were wrapped in.) Every surface of my studio is covered in the warmth of these colors. I’ll work with a cool palette later. Love this workshop!

My chosen color palette is Liquitex cadmium red medium, cadmium yellow deep, burnt sienna, burnt umber, raw umber, mars black and titanium white. I’ll add ultramarine blue to create some blues, turquoise, and green as harmonious, contrasting colors later. 

Adding in some neutrals


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