Islamic Geometry Rosette

Islamic Geometry Rosette 

The mathematical elegance of Islamic designs is that no matter how elaborate they are, they are always based on grids constructed using only a ruler and a pair of compasses.

Islamic design is based on Greek geometry, which teaches us that starting with very basic assumptions, we can build up a remarkable number of proofs about shapes. Islamic patterns provide a visual confirmation of the complexity that can be achieved with such simple tools.

Geometry is really a universal language, everyone can – and does – relate to it instinctively. There is a joy to be had in starting with a blank piece of paper and to draw lines and circles and end up with a pattern that is recognizable and beautiful. This process connects you very directly to a design heritage.”*

In Islamic art, the geometric figure of the circle represents the primordial symbol of unity and the ultimate source of all diversity in creation. 10-fold radial symmetry. Fascinating. With its focus, this art form stresses the importance of unity and order in its repetition and complexity, and it offers the possibility of infinite growth.

 * Reference article - fascinating

I will confess that this was mathematically challenging for me. Errors were made and are visible, but it’s not too bad for a first effort. Practicing this will help . . . if I can build up some mathematical fortitude. 😉


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